Vacuum suction for cellulite
by Cellulite Institute editorial staff

Vacuum therapy for cellulite
What is vacuum suction for cellulite?
Vacuum suction for cellulite is a lipomassage technique that helps reduce the areas affected by fat accumulation by stimulating the circulation and reducing adipose tissue.
This non-invasive procedure is used to remodel areas affected by cellulite which, precisely for this reason, increase in volume compared with the rest of the body. These difficult areas are generally the following:
- thighs
- buttocks
that normally do not respond to diet or exercise.
This treatment is mainly aimed at those who suffer from fluid retention or circulatory problems.
What is vacuum suction for cellulite as a treatment for cellulite?
Vacuum suction for cellulite acts on cellulite using:
- mechanical equipment
- massages
- tissue manipulation
Vacuum suction for cellulite is a non-surgical procedure that contributes to:
- improving the appearance of cellulite
- promoting circulation
- relieving minor muscle pain
- improving skin tone
- restoring skin luminosity
Vacuum suction for cellulite: What is cellulite and what causes it?
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is visible as an orange-peel effect that affects many women on different areas of their body. It occurs mainly on:
- hips
- thighs
- other areas
The fat cells trapped and retained by the fibrous septae increase water retention and slow down circulation; the action of the machine that performs the vacuum suction for cellulite massage breaks down the fat and frees water and toxins, allowing the lymphatic system to drain everything away.
How do you get rid of cellulite?
Getting rid of cellulite is not entirely possible, but can be effectively improved with:
- physical exercise
- diet
- treatments that improve circulation in affected areas
- Exercise regularly
- Regular cardio exercise reduces body fat and improves the appearance of areas affected by cellulite.
- Improve diet
- A low-fat diet effectively reduces both body fat and the appearance of cellulite. The diet should be based on lean protein and vegetables.
- You should limit the consumption of sugar (reduce total carbohydrate intake), starch, alcohol, and foods and fruits with high sugar content.
- Choose foods with a low glycaemic index, which have been shown to help in weight loss.
- Improve circulation in the affected areas
Another method for stimulating circulation in the areas affected by cellulite is to undergo regular massages (vacuum suction for cellulite may help).
You should try to maintain a healthy lifestyle during and after treatment to achieve the best results from vacuum suction for cellulite.
Vacuum suction for cellulite is a personalised treatment depending on:
- age
- extent of the problem
- area to be treated
The doctor will establish:
- intensity of treatment
- duration
- number of sessions
Results of vacuum suction for cellulite
The results begin to appear from the first weeks of treatment although, in most cases, the results are visible after a full treatment lasting 10 sessions.
The results obtained with vacuum suction for cellulite also depend on the post-treatment course. There are a number of recommendations that can be followed for both a proper recovery process and for improving results.
The 3 focal points on which to set up the action of vacuum suction for cellulite are:
- reduction in volumes
- increase in blood flow
- improvement of skin appearance
After careful analysis, the doctor can personalise the treatment by calibrating the various parameters according to the needs of the individual.
The frequencies for selectively targeting results in specific areas can be intensified or decreased.
The intensity of frequencies is fully adjustable so that discomfort is minimal (although this always depends on individual sensitivity).
It is a non-invasive technique that does not require general or local anaesthesia as with other treatments for cellulite and volume reduction.
The average time between sessions is 1 or 2 weeks.
This technique is specifically recommended for areas affected by stubborn cellulite and for improving skin appearance. It cannot be used to lose weight, and is not a substitute for a good diet and proper nutrition.
Vacuum suction for cellulite also helps to eliminate dead skin cells, contributing to better absorption of the active ingredients used in the treatments.
Recommendations for treatment using vacuum suction for cellulite
- drink plenty of water, fruit juices or purifying herbal teas to help eliminate toxins
- avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, preferably until the end of treatment
- walk at least an hour a day to promote elimination of toxins by activating the lymphatic system
- draining massage
- exercises to increase muscle tone
Contraindications of vacuum suction for cellulite
If you have problems like phlebitis or venous thrombosis this treatment is to be completely avoided, but there are also other situations in which this treatment is highly contraindicated.
These include:
- cancer
- hernia
- diabetes, if out of control
- skin disorders such as redness, bruising, skin rashes, etc.
- use of drugs such as the contraceptive pill, antidepressants and anticoagulants
Vacuum suction for cellulite requires time and patience, is a non-invasive treatment and gives temporary results.