How to eliminate cellulite: Cellulite – how to cure it? Although it is not a genuine disease, many wonder if cellulite is curable. Researchers have invested a lot of effort in finding an effective treatment and providing scientific answers to the problem and the actual effectiveness of treatments. How to eliminate cellulite: aesthetic cellulite...
Category: <span>how to get rid of cellulite</span>
Reducing cellulite
Reducing cellulite is possibile but there is no treatment that can completely eliminate it, but it can be attenuated and to combat it you can start by focusing on diet and greater physical activity. Cellulite spares no one, it is resistant to diets and also affects slim people, which explains researchers’ interest in developing and...
Best cellulite treatments
Do effective anti-cellulite treatments exist? Here are the best cellulite treatments. If we talk about anti-cellulite treatments, the list is very long. For all needs and pockets, temporary or permanent treatments for trying to resolve the problem of cellulite. In the medical field, there are many anti-cellulite treatments, but they all require knowledge and awareness...
How to combat cellulite
There is no one treatment to combat cellulite. Some changes in diet and greater physical activity are the first steps that should be considered. Cellulite is not just an aesthetic issue but can also become a health problem, as it can affect the quality of life, with pain and swelling, as well as causing psychological...
Farewell cellulite
Farewell cellulite. The question is common, however the answers are generally vague and unclear. Why? Because the treatments in general are temporary, the causes of cellulite are based on theories that have, to a greater or lesser extent, been confirmed and accepted by the scientific community, theories that need to be confirmed by continuously updated...
Top cellulite treatments
What are the Top cellulite treatments? 90% of adult women fight against cellulite! Contrary to what people think, cellulite is not a problem of weight. Cellulite can affect both genders, but is much more common in women. About 90% of women have cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the result of subcutaneous...
Releasing of the fibrous septae
Releasing of the fibrous septae is used to treat cellulite, for improving its appearance with different aesthetic medicine or surgical treatments. Cellulite is much more common in women than men; the causes are still unclear but, regardless of the causes, it is a blemish that causes quite a number of problems. The role of fat...
Innovative cellulite treatments
What are the most innovative treatments for cellulite? Cellulite is very common among women. About 90% of women have cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the result of subcutaneous fat pressing against the connective tissue, making the skin look lumpy and uneven. It is more evident on the thighs and buttocks and...
Treatments for fibrous cellulite
What are the treatments for fibrous cellulite? Cellulite affects 90% of women but not all types of cellulite are the same. According to recent theories based on studies, fibrous cellulite seems to form due to a phenomenon called “glycation of collagen”. This phenomenon, which results from the association of collagen fibers with glucose molecules, causes...
Long-lasting treatments
Are there long-term treatments for cellulite? Cellulite affects 90% of women, whether plump or skinny! And it is visible with the classic mattress effect “orange peel” skin, unsightly dimples and craters that ruin life for many. The areas of the body where cellulite tends to lurk are: Thighs Buttocks However, it can “appear” anywhere including:...