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Walking and cellulite

Walking and cellulite

Written on 17th October 2017
by Cellulite Institute editorial staff

A brisk walk is ideal for fighting cellulite.

Walking and cellulite. Cellulite: what it is.

Cellulite or orange-peel skin is edematous fibrosclerotic pancicopathy (EFP), a blemish that causes alterations in the subcutaneous tissue, with hypertrophy of the adipose cells.

There are many causes:

  • Inflammations
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal
  • Losing weight too quickly
  • Overweight
  • Stress
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle


Walking and cellulite: why does walking help combat this blemish?

Brisk walking to combat cellulite requires patience and perseverance.

Several benefits are offered by taking a walk, especially if brisk:

  • Increase in blood circulation
  • Increase in metabolism

The movements made when walking:

  • Firm the muscles
  • Activate the muscle pump
  • Decrease the accumulation of fluids and subcutaneous fats


Walking and cellulite: are you ready to start walking? 

You can start with just 10 minutes a day and increase gradually. Try to reach a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, 5 to 7 days a week.

Walking is one of the simplest, most enjoyable and most effective forms of exercise. All you need is a good pair of shoes, comfortable clothing and the desire to start.


Walking and cellulite: how do you start? 

First of all, start walking with a slow and easy pace.

Just leave the house.

Even just to go around the block. That’s enough to start with.

Start walking for 10 minutes, then turn around and go back home.

Plans for the future? If you find it easy going out for 10 minutes, you can add another 5 to the weekly walk until walking as far as you want, at the speed you want.


Walking and cellulite: if you have never walked before 

just follow these tips:

  • Start with slow, short sessions
  • Gradually build up your walk, personalising it
  • Don’t bother about speed at first

After you have been walking for several weeks, you can:

  • Slowly find the right pace
  • Before starting this activity, it is advisable to check with your doctor


Walking and cellulite: maintaining the right posture

Your posture should be correct, because it could influence cellulite. How can you improve your posture by walking?

  • Walking with your head held high
  • Stretching your body
  • Head and eyes to the front
  • Your shoulders should be lowered, pulled back and relaxed
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles and buttocks and proceed with a natural step

Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after walking.


Walking and cellulite: stretching 

Muscle warming, cooling and stretching in daily practice is essential for reducing lactic acid.

  • Start the walk with a slow, warm-up pace
  • Then maintain a constant pace for the desired duration
  • End the walk with a slow, gentle pace
  • Perform stretching exercises after walking, as it helps prevent injuries


Walking and cellulite: the most difficult thing for starting is motivation and then passing from motivation to habit.

  • Walk every day (at least 5 days a week is a good target).
  • Walk fast enough to increase your heart rate
  • Don’t worry about speed or distance at the beginning

Once walking has become a habit, you can prepare timetables and set targets.


Walking and cellulite: a few general guidelines depending on your targets 

  • If you’re walking for health reasons in general, you should try to do so for at least 30 minutes a day
  • The frequency should be every day, or as often as possible
  • Increase your breathing rate, but to one at which you can still hold a conversation

To improve cardiovascular fitness, you need to walk 3-4 days a week

for 20-30 minutes at a very brisk pace.

Warm up and cool down, in addition to the time spent walking at a faster pace.

If you are walking to lose weight, you will probably need a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes

  • 5 days a week
  • At a moderate and rapid pace.
  • Walking faster will burn more calories in the same time


Walking and cellulite: how to make the muscles more toned 

The right technique allows you to achieve satisfactory results and feel better physically with a fast walk for cellulite.

For walking correctly:

  • Right posture
  • Right movements of the feet and arms

When walking, you should:

  • Have a forward momentum
  • Accelerate the walk (greater stimulation of the muscles helps slim the thighs and strengthen leg muscles)

There are 2 ways to go faster:

  • Increase the frequency of steps
  • Increase the length of steps

Increasing and slowing speed is better than staying at the same speed because it:

  • Increases endurance
  • Increases muscle tone in the legs and arms

It is also important that movement of the arms is synchronised with that of the legs.

Another method that makes the buttocks and thighs work more is walking on a road with a slight incline or, alternatively, on stairs.


Walking and cellulite: nutrition and hydration

It is important to have the right nutrition and a good daily intake of water.

Lower consumption of:

  • Dairy products
  • Cured meats
  • Sweet foods
  • Saturated fats derived from meat
  • White flour
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Butter
  • Alcohol

On the other hand, there are foods that help fight cellulite, such as:

  • Vegetables
  • Fish
  • Cold pressed plant oils, like extra virgin olive oil
  • Legumes
  • Fruit
  • Fibre
  • Cereals

In addition, vegetables with a bitter taste help the liver, and ginger and lemon reduce heaviness and swelling.

Obviously, in order to combat cellulite and particularly when walking, it is important to hydrate yourself properly.

Drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water a day. 

The magnesium contained in water helps with:

  • The elimination of lactic acid (which generates water retention)
  • The metabolism of fats
  • Regularising bowel movements


If you have any health problems, consult your doctor before starting or making changes to your diet yourself.

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